The Librahm

Ascension Biata


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This race packet contains information intended to be used only by those who are playing a character of this race in Alliance Ascension. It should not be shared with other players without approval from Alliance Ascension Head of Plot under any circumstances. The information here is race specific, and there is a great deal of other information many or all residents would also know in the Alliance Ascension Player’s Guide.

Tiberius brushed the dust from his pauldrons as he squinted and looked around the hallway leading to the crypt. He rolled his shoulders and made sure to put his back to the wall so he could get a better position to look down the ancient thoroughfare. To his left, he could hear the whispered puzzling of Larias the Delver, who was trying to solve a cipher on the door, which hopefully would allow them to make the plunge further in.

Maester Borrin sat nearby, looking through a tome, and brought a small shiny piece of metal to his scalp as he sorted through memories not his own.

“I think I’ve got it... The vault should be in this next chamber,” Larias said as she pressed an icon on the wall and smiled, paused, then frowned deeply. “I should have waited for you both...what's that sound?” With a grimace, Tiberius spun and moved next to her, easing her backwards as the door slowly opened, and he heard the heavy sounds of granite footsteps of yet another tomb defender. “Yeah... you should have... Watch the Maester - he’s vulnerable,” Tiberius uttered as he slowly brought his polearm up before him. He needed to keep this automaton as far from his crew as possible until the Maester could gain what he sought from the bloodstone.

The door opened, and a dull purple glow came from crystals embedded in a being that looked like a stone soldier. Fast as lighting, it closed on Tiberius, its hands raising and lowering again and again, leveraging a slightly glowing blade which the Guardian deflected as best he could.

Tiberius gave way, step after step, until he knew that if he backed any more the construct could gain purchase and have access to his allies. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Larias watching, and could feel her magics empowering and protecting him. The constructs attacks were too many, too strong, and three blows struck home, deeply staggering the Librahm Guardian. He gritted his teeth against the blood on his tongue. His black and white feathered brows drew together as he prepared to stand until the last of his life was drained from him.

The construct moved to strike again just as the Maester uttered “Ahh, yes that’s it... Yes..” and then, in a language long forgotten, murmured a command. The automaton stopped mid-swing, its blade lodged an inch in Tiberius’s chest.

“That was close... Maester...really close,” he panted as Larias helped him ease back, before she cast the little healing she knew into his form. “Here’s the best part. There’s only like four more of these to go!” said the Delver as she cheerfully helped Tiberius wipe the blood spatter from his armor.

Biata Racial Basics

The Biata of Ascension are called the Librahms. They are humanoids with feathers in place of their eyebrows. The feathers’ colors denote their personality. The colors for the feathers are as follows:

Black: stubbornness / lawful

Blue: tranquility / passive
Brown: isolationism

Gray: neutrality / shy / passive / kind
Green: hatred / jealousy / cruel

Orange: rigidity / firm emotions
Purple: calculating / serious

Red: anger / fierce emotions / mood swings
Tan: mercenary

White: mischief / lust / impulsive
Yellow: love / honesty / trust

These colors and meanings are not told to non-Biata, and are not commonly known.
The Librahms are masters of memories and the living storehouse of ancient knowledge, as well as the keepers of knowledge gained since the Fall. The Librahms were the backbone of the Protectorate, and are one of the major reasons the Collegium exists and that people have survived as long as they have.

The Biata are separated into one of three different Stratums. The Librahm may change to a different Stratum at different points in their lives. Once an individual leaves, however, they may not go back.

The Guardians: Warriors and defenders who protect the library of memories, or may be assigned to particular Sylvanborn (or other people of importance) to help salvage their memories for future generations. The Guardians are often made up of younger Biata like the Delvers. These heroes tend to align more with martial skills.

The Delvers: Seekers of ancient or lost knowledge, the Delvers are known for their cunning and discipline. Formed mostly of those who are multifaceted in their skills, the Delvers tend to be risk takers and troublemakers who strive to bring back what was lost.

The Maesters: Mostly older Biata join the Maestrum. These individuals know how powerful knowledge is, and seek to accumulate it. Maesters are often known for being a living encyclopedia in certain subjects. After the Fall, and with the loss of so many physical libraries, the Maesters are living ones. Few younger Biata join their ranks, however there has been a swelling of those types recently as rumors begin of emerging back into the surface world. There will be a great many things to learn and record, as well as ancient lore to acquaint ourselves with.

Biata History

The Librahms own history is melded with those of the Protectorate. They were the ones who built the Collegium and brought common words and ideals to the other races. They were the ones who encouraged the races to work together, and helped with supplies and resources before the other races could stand on their own. It’s known they had wings at one time, and occupied the great cavern riddled mesas. It is known that they found out some time ago their affinity for memory and how to access, protect, and to discipline one's mind and fortify others. How, though, has been lost. Deep within shrouded vaults, spread through the world, are the “reliquaries” - these locations of powers are where the old home stones are sealed. They were abandoned when the Librahms had to move to Cairns, and it is said that is where many answers lie.

Every Delver dreams of retaking what was theirs.

Biata react poorly to Celestial magic. This seems like an unlikely thing to be so affected by, and arguments go back and forth about if this was due to the Fall or not. At this point, it's the common belief that, along with their wings, the Biata were severed from the stars that would guide them when they flew at night. Other schools of thought exist, but few give them more than passing tolerances.

Recent History

After the Fall, the Librahms have been the main stabilizing force, aside from the Dwarves. They have been steadily focused on education and planning for retaking the surface and reclaiming the Protectorate.

Biata Culture

“It was known then that great aviary libraries were seen. Set within caves on cliff walls. Streamers flapped in the wind for different sections. The Librahms were seen to have flown from cave to cave, sorting and storing knowledge in great tomes. My eyes had never seen such wonders. Nor could I comprehend how much love went into this protection and gathering of wisdom. I am honored that they would share this with me”
- Garfellen, Dwarven researcher on his visit to the Great Cliffs, 290 Before Fall

Biata have long seen themselves as guardians of knowledge; before the Fall, as keepers of massive libraries, and after the Fall, becoming the repositories instead. This has put them into a strange dichotomy in their culture, with the Delvers actively taking risks to unearth and rediscover knowledge, and the Maesters’ more conservative approach, centered on protecting existing knowledge. This has led some to comment that Biata move at two speeds: glacial, or lightning-fast, with nothing in between.

The Biata consider this incorrect - an oversimplification at best - but consider many of the younger races to be too inexperienced to judge how they evaluate risks versus rewards. The knowledge that they carry can be, at times, a burden; there is access to so much information that, at times, seemingly minor details can be pivotal, so caution is recommended where possible.

Because they deal so heavily with other people’s memories, the Librahms have a complicated relationship with the concept of privacy, something that can seem rather limited in the Cairn at times. Most Librahms consider it of high importance to gain someone’s permission before entering their memories, as well as before disclosing the information that they gain. Any Librahms who are negligent with other’s privacy will find themselves the recipient of, at the very least, a stern talking-to - worse for repeat offenders.

Librahms consider it their racial duty to remain both curious about all things, and patient with the other races (even when being pestered by the short-lived High Orcs).

Biata Holidays & Celebrations

The Librahm are a long-lived race, and are generally viewed as one of the more serious-minded races. This is vastly untrue. The Librahms feel deeply, and they hold small memorable moments almost sacred. Their holidays are few but important. Remembrance Day is mid-summer, and is a day when the Librahm will connect with the stones of their ancestors and relive shared memories and lessons. Its followed by a feast day where old recipes and favorite songs long-forgotten are new again and shared with others.

Silence Week is just that, a time when the Librahm quietly contemplate their effects, large or small. Even the sounds they make affect the world around them. They will do this in shifts, being assigned different days by the leaders of their Stratums. On these days, the assigned Librahm take great pains to do as little as possible to affect the world, and see what effect the absence of them has on it. It also shows how the smallest thing they do has repercussions.

Biata Names

The Biata tend to have one name. It is often times rather long, and will have hints of their parents names in it, as well as a shortened version used to familiar company. For example “Tomastrelianza” would be one such with Strel for their father’s name, Lian for their mother’s, with their informal name as Tomas.

Biata Racial Notes

Due to their conditioning, the Librahms can buy the skills Resist Command (4 XP) and Break Command (2 XP). Their mental fortitude is formidable and their ability to inspire others with even a few words has kept many alive or snapped them out of a foe’s beguilement.

Due to the ritual during the Fall the Biata lost a great deal; one such thing is their ability to tolerate Celestial magic. They cannot learn it, and Celestial spells cast upon them cause discomfort and pain. Sleeping in a Ward will cause restlessness, and may impact their mental abilities. Biata, like the Golden and Stone Elves, have roleplay-only abilities. These mental powers are in the Alliance rule book.

All Biata keep a hematite stone (or bauble ) on them and that must be phys repped.

Biata Dress

The Librahm tend to dress based on their Stratum. Their outfits are functional, but they love keepsakes - especially those made of hematite. The also have seals upon their garb that tend to have ribbons that are long and taper away to flow in the wind.

The Librahm tend to be stoic and dress for their purpose and station. It would not be the style of a hardened Guardian to wear a flowy dress, instead going for things more functional. However, a Maester who would be in lecture halls or researching would look for more comfortable attire.

Biata Racial Makeup

As noted above, the Biata have feathers that denote their personalities in place of eyebrows. This represents the avian inclinations of their lineage. Players can attach them with multiple methods from tape to glue to adhere them to a headband which is worn.

Interactions with Other Races

The Biata have taken the role as “older siblings” with many races. While they do not always embrace events or ideas with much outward enthusiasm, they will coach and support others. Often times, their desire to prevent others making mistakes or getting hurt is seen as control or overstepping bounds. This is most commonly seen with the Librahms interactions with the Null. In recent years however, more and more Null are finding themselves in positions of trust, even within the Collegium.