The Jade Pact

Ascension Forest Elves


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This race packet contains information intended to be used only by those who are playing a character of this race in Alliance Ascension. It should not be shared with other players without approval from Alliance Ascension Head of Plot under any circumstances. The information here is race specific, and there is a great deal of other information many or all residents would also know in the Alliance Ascension Player’s Guide.

Tothriss of Thaleron backed up, eyes darting around. He was surrounded, escape routes cut off. He’d been daydreaming, and the rabbit-kin had taken a wrong turn, finding himself inadvertently observing a black market deal. The drawn blades and menacing glares told him all he needed to know: no one was supposed to see what he’d seen, and he was, at best, going to wake up bloody and missing an hour’s worth of memories.

His muscles tensed as he focused on the gifts Thaleron had bestowed. Through either luck, or speed, he wouldn’t be an easy catch. He’d wait until the one to his right started to move, then head around, hoping to have them get in each others’ way....

“Hello, little brother.” All eyes turned as someone new strode into the room. Tothriss swallowed a sigh of relief as he saw the Elf walk into the room, facial tattoo marking her - and her three companions - as Tribe Kephale. They moved with the easy strength of powerful warriors, and carried well-cared-for weapons.

“Hello, elder sister,” the rabbit-kin said, bowing his head slightly. The trio of toughs hesitated, no longer confident in the odds.

“I have need of your assistance,” she said imperiously, ignoring the criminals-turned-audience. “We are making some purchases, and we need some assistance in carrying them.” Though a patently absurd claim, no one seemed interested in contradicting her. She glanced around the room dismissively, eyes barely lingering on the three who had threatened Tothriss. “Unless you’re doing something important here?”

“Uh… no, elder sister,” Tothriss replied. “I was merely taking a stroll, and certainly haven’t seen anything that caught my interest.” Tothriss hoped this would placate his attackers, an implicit profession of his silence.

“Tribe Kephale thanks you for your assistance,” she said, eyes sweeping across the room again, before she gestured towards the exit. Tothriss held his breath as he gingerly followed his rescuers.

Forest Elf Racial Basics

Before the Fall, Elves were all one race, and were one of the powerhouses of the world. Masters of the art of crafting and using intricate magics, they approached the world with a flair and daring that made them the envy of many. Whether creating delicate artwork, or captaining one of the wonderous skyships, the Elves had it all.

Long before the Fall, a group of Elves turned away from the world their brethren had created, choosing instead to remain close to nature. Living by a strict code of honor, they swore an oath to Wyld Fae to protect the wildlands in return for the Fae’s blessings. When the Fall drove everyone into the Cairn, the Forest Elves expanded that deal with the Fae, making promises they never imagined they could not keep and eventually giving birth to the Wylderkin. Together, the two races live in a close-knit tribal structure despite the trials of living within the Cairn. While the Jade Pact has not roamed the wild forests in countless generations, they still cling to that initial oath, and hunger for the day they can return to the surface and reclaim the forests.

Forest Elf History

We had forgotten where we had come from.

We accomplished so, so very much. Tamed magic to our whim, built cities that danced in the sky, rode the currents of the air like it was an ocean swell….

All it cost us was who we were. What we had once had, a deep connection with the natural world. We had traded sunlit meadows and barren moors for soaring marble pillars and crystalline contraptions.

A few of us remembered. Yearned for the simpler days of the past.

We sought the wilds, the places untouched by the civilization that our own people had wrought. We called out, seeking the counsel of the Wyld Fae, offering ourselves. We would be the buffer, to protect what our brethren had forgotten. We would ensure the homes of magic far older, far more powerful than anything we had ever imagined, would remain untouched, unsullied.

For generations, the Jade Pact lived in harmony with the Wyld Fae, maintaining the balance that so few even considered any more. To our shame, we did not see that the biggest threat to our realms were not some random malefactor here or there, but an existential crisis of our relatives’ own creation - Elves whose magic had reached too far, too lofty, and called to the very thing that would destroy our whole world, devour it.

We were not prepared. No one was. No one could have been. Even our Fae allies were overwhelmed, forced to flee and scatter. They came to us, we who had honored the old ways, and made us an offer. They would grant our champions their strength. If we were to survive that, we would return them to this world and return the borrowed power. We accepted those terms, though we didn’t know what would come of them. We fought as we were able, but in the end, we fled. We retreated in shame, surrendering our charge against a force we could not hope to even slow. Yet, when the Fae called in our debt, it was not in anger, or disappointment. They were as bad off as we were, and sought to update the deal, so that we could both live.

We fled to the cursed Cairn, cut off from the very thing we needed to connect with, but carrying with us the seed of hope. For ourselves, for the Fae, for our very world. We would hide. We would rest. We would recover our strength. And when the time came, we would strike, returning to our wilds to retake this world and drive out those who would threaten to destroy it. We tried to repay the debt, but our minds are not the same as the Wyld. We understood that difference after generations in the Cairn, when the first Kin was born, the symbol on it’s skin and fur. The mark of one of our debtors.... We knew then what the Wylderkin were.

Recent History

As the resources in the Cairn have started to dwindle, the Jade Pact and their Wylderkin brethren have advocated for more forays to the abandoned parts of the Cairn, hoping to find supplies and scout for information. They have also been at the forefront of almost every successful mission, using their skills and tenacity to do everything they can to reclaim the world and make good on their oaths.

Forest Elf Culture

Long before the Fall, the Jade Pact roamed the forests and untouched wilds, protecting them from both monsters as well as the excesses of civilization. Sharing a certain kinship with both the wild Dryads and the more domestic Orcs, they formed a triad that maintained the world at large. The Forest Elves upheld a strict code of honor, and while somewhat insular at times, were widely respected.

When they fall came, the Jade Pact needed to adapt. No longer able to protect the wildlands directly, they instead carried with seeds of that with them. This, and the introduction of the Wylderkin into their ranks, forced a significant change to their culture.

Tribes are now aligned by the Primal they are associated with. All members of the Tribe, both Forest Elves and their Wylderkin siblings, are marked with that Primal’s symbol. Each Primal carries with it a particular mindset, a series of qualities that each Tribe strives to embody. All Tribes also hold to the Jade Pact Tribal Code of Honor, which guides how they interact with the world around them. If a member of the Tribe dishonors themselves or their Tribe, they may (depending on how severe the infraction) be given the chance to redeem themselves; any whose crimes are too heinous, or fails to redeem themselves, are banished, cast out to die alone. For those who are banished, their Tribal Marking changes, showing their shame to all who see it.

Within the Tribes, all members are expected to pull their own weight, however that happens to be. For some, that is scrounging for food and materials. For others, that is memorizing information on navigation, survival, and tracking. For others, that is fighting to defend your tribe.

Despite the differences between the Tribes, they maintain good relations with each other, as a testament to how seriously they take their duty. A Forest Elf, or a Wylderkin, can always call upon a member of a Tribe - even a different Tribe - if they are in trouble. This connection has led many of the other races to consider the Tribes to be somewhat insular, a perception that the Tribes do not seem to be in a hurry to dispel.

Each Tribe is lead by a council of elders, with the chief elder being given the title of Alpha. Both Forest Elves and Wylderkin refer to each other as siblings; terms such as “older brother” being noted as a sign of deference, whereas “little brother” is noted as a sign of someone you would take under your wing, or offer protection to.

The Primals

The Primals are Wyld Fae who bonded with the Jade Pact so that both could survive. While the Forest Elves are not directly bonded to the Fae in the same way as the Kin, they each bear the symbol of the Primal whose Tribe they belong to, a Fae Mark somewhere on their body. They are born with this tattoo, though it can change under certain rare circumstances (change of Tribe, change of rank, banishment, etc.)

The Primals are as follows:

Adlamir the Wolf
Freedom, teamwork, loyalty

Adlamir teaches their Tribe the power of tactics, and working together. Members of this Tribe are well-known for always having someone’s back.

Thaleron the Mouse
Adaptability, focus, survival

Thaleron teaches their Tribe to survive, to thrive, to be resourceful. Members of this Tribe are well-known for being mobile and alert.

Kysvae the Viper
Cunning, alchemy, magic

Kysvae teaches their Tribe to “work smarter, not harder.” This Tribe produces many scholars and alchemists, as well as those who deal in misdirection.

Haldine the Tiger
Willpower, ferocity, intuition

Haldine teaches their Tribe to trust their instincts, and to act on their passions. This Tribe is well-known for bringing intensity to everything they do.

Ederna the Beetle
Persistence, strength, luck

Ederna teaches their Tribe to be methodical, though a little luck never hurts either. This Tribe is well-known for being skilled crafters.

Gwaelta the Armadillo

Protection, caution, judgement

Gwaelta teaches their Tribe to be even-keeled and dependable. This Tribe is well-known for diligence and patience.

Kephale the Bear
Confidence, courage, healing

Kephale teaches their Tribe to be brave leaders. This Tribe is well-known for wise healers and strong warriors.

Tribal Code of Honor

The members of the Jade Pact Tribes live by the following code. While each individual can interpret it differently, they all consider it to be of utmost importance.

Protect the Wild - The foundation for the Pact is the initial oath sworn to the Wyld Fae to protect the wildlands. While it has been generations since any member of the Tribes has walked freely amongst the wilds for any long period, they still hold this as their central tenet.
Uphold your Oaths - Following from the first tenet, all members of the Tribes will uphold any oaths that they swear.
Speak the Truth - While misdirection and deception (such as feints) are certainly allowed - especially for members of Tribe Kysvae, for instance - deliberate falsehoods are not allowed. Note that this does not mean that a Tribal member will necessarily speak plainly, nor volunteer all information.
Respect the Tribal Elders - The code does not require blind obedience to the Tribal elders, or even the Alphas, but it does require that they be treated with deference, and, when possible, their direct orders be followed. When the council of elders debates a course of action, members are welcome to plead their case, but once a decision has been made, all are expected to carry it out, even if they personally disagree with it.
Uphold your Brethren - It is often said “The hurt of one is the hurt of all, the honor of one is the honor of all.” Members are not expected to like every member of the Tribe(s), but are expected to work together when necessary, working from the basis that the Pact is of greater importance than any petty squabbles. When possible, members are expected to help others, not speak poorly of each other, and to not sow dissention.
Do Not Dishonor the Tribe - Members are expected to avoid activities that would bring shame upon themselves or their Tribe. These include, but are not limited to, treachery, harming an innocent, and theft.

Forest Elf Holidays & Celebrations

The Jade Pact Tribes do not follow a strict calendar. Instead, they mark the seasons with small gatherings, mostly consisting of good meals with storytelling and games of chance.

More important to the Tribes, though, are celebrations for birth, and when a child reaches adulthood. Of the two, births are far more festive, with most of the community involved in one form or another, either assisting the birth, attending naming ceremonies, or taking over tasks for the new parents.

Passage into adulthood typically involves several members of the community testing the youth’s knowledge and skills, making sure that they are ready for the transition to an adult’s responsibilities. This testing can take several days to complete, and can consist of anything from hunts to mock combats to grueling examinations.

Forest Elf Names

Forest Elves typically have given names and tribal names. Given names can be somewhat lengthy; 3- and 4- syllable names are not uncommon. For Elves with longer given names, nicknames are commonly used in non-formal situations. Forest Elven given names include Rathiain, Horith, and Ghilanna.

The tribal name will be that of their Primal Clan, such as Gorath of Kysvae.

Forest Elf Racial Notes

Due to their drive and their ability to sacrifice to reach their goals, Elves have forged an iron will. (Resist Command; 4 Build)

Due to ancient proficiency with the bow, Elves also are natural archers. (Archery is half build cost for Elves).

Forest Elf Dress

Given their practical nature, Forest Elves tend to favor a lot of leather or durable fabrics. Even in the Cairn, Forest Elven clothing is typically in earth tones.

Forest Elf Racial Makeup

All Elves are marked by their pointed ears. There is no social meaning to the length of an Elf’s ears, so size of the ears is up to the player. These ears can be found online or in costume or Halloween stores, and are normally attached with spirit gum. Some players use makeup to match the prosthetics to their skin tone.

All members of the Jade Pact have a tattoo at some location on their body. This tattoo is of the mark of the Primal associated with their Tribe.

Interactions with Other Races

Orcs: Theirs is a sad tale beyond measure. Once more aged and timeless than ourselves, these beings now waste away so quickly. They live a lifetime in those scant years, more than many. Their duty is to be respected. They are honorable, and their loyalty rivals that of our own Tribes. Have their back. Honor them, but remember that they are no longer who they once were. We may be able to help guide them.

Wylderkin: Our family. Our debt. We did not know when we made the Pact with the Wyld that they would choose to be reborn through our own children. At first, it was to members of the Pact that the Wylderkin were first born, but since then they have been born any place that had contact with our seed in their bloodline. We keep our oath. We see in them nature learning our world through their eyes. They will never be alone.

Dryads: Once, extremely powerful, the few Dryads that have awoken have, like us, lost their connection to nature. At one time, they served and stood besides the dragons of creation. Now we see them scattered, trying to climb back to where they were. We will help them gain purchase and assist them in shaping the world. The Dryads have awoken for a reason. Be watchful.

Dark Elves: Brave and bold and dangerous, the Dark Elves relied on crystalline and arcane workings, and their world crumbled and burned around them. What they worshipped and embraced is no more, devoured by a world-eating beast. What they were is gone, but they still walk as if thousands of ships were at their command. They can be trusted. They are good at talking. But they are also responsible for many losses of the old ways. If they ask, teach them. They are weak.

Selunari: More so than even most other Elves, the Selunari were at fault for the Vreech. They were so arrogant, so proud of their creations. The crystalline stores exploded, and magic itself warped around them. They have fallen from their towers, and are stuck here like the rest of us. We are very concerned as to what they may use to retain their station, and what they will explore for knowledge and power. We must remain vigilant.

Dwarves: Brilliant architects, amazing builders - and our prison makers. They are the ones who saw the need for the Cairns, and now who control everything. Food, the gates, the water. The confinement and order infuriates us. They lost more than most, but in providing us salvation they have put us in a gilded cage. They craft reliable wares, and are sturdy in a fight, but never forget that we are meant for forest and fields.

Harbinger Elves: The Fallen. Strangers. What type of people would kneel to their enemies and choose servitude?! We would never bare our throats. Still... when they found their bargain was broken, they came and warned us. Some even fought beside us, and thus gained a place. Their markings are strange. They are not part of OUR natural world. Their true agenda has yet to be revealed. Be vigilant.

Ogres: Ghosts made flesh. Some of us might even be part of who they are. They are a mirror to all of the races’ failings... yet also the sign the earth has given us to fight back. They are by no means natural. Be wary of their eyes - you do not always know who is behind them. Treat them as you would a respected ancestor. Join them in battle and fight beside the ones who died so long ago. They serve the earth in ways we cannot - perhaps even in some we dare not.

Humans: Curious little round eared pups. Rumors are they are what happens when you breed between races. They are devoid of magic and any unique spark. They are the brood of the Fall. What we have with what's left. They are resilient though; they tend to survive and adapt and overcome. Maybe even a predator in the making, given time and training. While not part of the Tribes, we will support and aid them, as their blood may be. The Fae have never spoken of them.

Biata: We used to speak to them on treetops before they lost their wings. They were everywhere, and a huge source of communication. Now they are the tellers of tales. The lack of tomes have made them the only source for so much history. But we have noticed how tales have changed - subtle changes, mostly, some even to suit the whims of the collegium. They are how we connect with who we were as with the other races... but we wonder though how much has been changed to suit the “greater good”.

Sylvanborn: Ancient and eccentric, these beings are engineered at their core to always help and be what others need. Often, that leaves little for themselves, something that catches up to them when it’s far too late to change. Help them live. Help them fight. Help them make great stories. If they adapt to be someone else, remember who they were and love them all the more. Theirs is a sad way of existence. They don’t realize how close to nature they are, yet always try to shape it and things to their will. They do it for all the right reasons, though.

Hoblings: So very different. These industrious little bees have changed more than most realize, and yet they prosper and grow. They are likeable and often have good food and smoke - though their drink often upsets our stomachs. They work hard, and keep to their tasks. If we are to retake our places, they will play a bigger role than most expect.

Wardens: These Oathsworn warriors have been our truest allies in the defense of our peoples. They value all life, and take their word and bond seriously. Their armor is like a carapace for them, and it is well known that with one of the Wardens on a mission, even Deep Trolls have been known to flee. Rain arrows on our foes so that these people can fight in that shade.